Freedom is Good News Part 141

We have been considering, in these articles, the topic of walking worthy of the calling we have received.  We have seen that it is a very important topic, one which Paul “urges” us to do.  We have seen that the Apostle tells us to “be completely humble and gentle”.  He tells us to be patient and to bear with one another in love.  This is the kind of “worthy walk” we are to take.  Most times the things that are of greatest value, take the greatest effort.


I want to walk with my Heavenly Father!  Do you have that desire?  I want to know what it is like to be in His presence. 


I suppose we all have to decide what our priorities are in this life.  It does not take too much wisdom to look around and see that the world, in general, has tossed aside the ways and things of God.  We find ourselves surrounded by a secular society that, more and more each day, looks toward itself to solve the problems it has created!!


God really does have all the answers.  This should be the starting point for all Christians.  We are told in the scriptures that Solomon was the wisest man on earth.  Very early on in his book of Proverbs, we read, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” (Pro. 3:5&6) 


I want to walk with my Heavenly Father!  Do you have that desire?  I want to know what it is like to be in His presence. 


Early in his reign as King of Israel, Solomon took upon himself, the commission of building a temple for God.  When it was finished and he set about to dedicate it to “the name of the LORD”, we read that “a cloud filled the Temple of the LORD so that the priests could not perform their service because of the cloud, for the glory of the LORD filled His temple.” (1 Kings 8:10&11)


And then he asked a prayer over the temple.  This prayer, in its entirety, is found in 1 Kings 8:22-53.  Solomon knew that every answer to every problem resided with this God who created all things, this God who rules over all the universe, this God who would indeed, dwell with His creation!!


Shall we look at this prayer?  “Then Solomon stood before the altar of the LORD in the presence of all the assembly of Israel and spread out his hands toward heaven, and said, ‘O LORD, God of Israel, there is no God like you, in heaven above or on earth beneath, keeping covenant and showing steadfast love to your servants who walk before you with all their heart’” 


Solomon wanted to walk with his Heavenly Father for he knew what it was like to be in His presence.  Let us consider this prayer in future articles.

Freedom is Good News Part 140

“I urge you to walk worthy of the calling you have received.  Be completely humble and gentle.”  Last week we took a short detour from our topic of walking with God, but now let’s get back to this statement from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians 4:1-3.


Humility is perhaps the most difficult aspect of the human personality to deal with.  We humans delight in having our own way, of getting the glory for some of the non-essential things we do and in patting ourselves on the back because we think we are so smart.  No wonder Paul lists it first as he teaches us to walk worthy.  It is interesting to note that he doesn’t just say “be humble”, he says “be completely humble”, and then he couples it with being gentle!  I believe that Paul is really trying to open our eyes to this calling we are to receive. 


So let’s not forget that Micah told us to “walk humbly with our God”.  This calling we are to receive must be seen as a walk with the Almighty God and we cannot take that lightly.


Would you mind if we considered the outlook of a pagan king who encountered the true God?  Nebuchadnezzar was the great king of Babylon and was pretty stuck on himself.  When Daniel interpreted one of his dreams and told him that he was the “head of gold” on the statue in his dream; that wasn’t enough for him.  Nebuchadnezzar decided to have a 90 foot statue completely of gold.  Daniel had told him that the God of Heaven was revealing the future for him but Nebuchadnezzar wasn’t too impressed.  This episode of history is told in the book of Daniel chapters 2 & 3.


Later on in the book God got this pagan king’s attention when he humbled him by having him live like a wild animal for seven years until “he acknowledged that the Most High God is sovereign over all kingdoms”.  Nebuchadnezzar finally “raised his eyes toward heaven and praised the Most High.”  Listen to what he had to say, “Now I, Nebuch- adnezzar, praise and extol and honor the King of heaven, for all his works are right and his ways are just; and those who walk in pride he is able to humble.” (Dan. 4:37)


As a side note, did you know that this mighty pagan king of Babylon is the only pagan that God would call “My servant”!!


It wasn’t as though Nebuchadnezzar wanted to have a worthy walk of humility and gentleness with God but God wanted to teach both him and us a great lesson: humility and gentleness are necessary in a worthy walk with God.


What other attributes does Paul urge us to have in a walk with God?  “Be patient, bearing with one another in love.”  It seems to me that patience is in short supply in our society today.  “I want what I want and I want it now!!!”  I suppose we have some serious self-examination to consider if we are truly desirous of this walking with our God.  But, friends and brethren, we are called to walk with the one who created all things.  He is awesome and believe me, He calls the shots!!  Until next time, remember, we have good news in Him. 

Freedom is Good News Part 138

We have been on the subject of “walking with God” and we have seen that God desires those who would walk humbly with Him – this being a quote from the Prophet Micah.  It is interesting that we find a very similar statement from the apostle Paul in his letter to the Ephesians. 


In this letter, Paul goes much further in his admonition to the Church.  Let’s take a look!  Ephesians 4:1 reads, “Therefore, as a prisoner for the Lord, I urge you to walk worthy of the calling you have received.”  So far so good; we are to have a walk with God.  But it is interesting how Paul introduces us to the concept; Paul tells us that he is a prisoner of the Lord.  This is no throwaway line of fake humility on Paul’s part.  Paul wrote this letter while in prison in Rome!  Some translators use the word “for” in this line.  Paul considered himself to be in prison “for the Lord” – he was incarcerated because of his belief in Jesus Christ.  I have never been in prison “for the Lord” but I can only imagine, it must have been a humbling experience for Paul.


The next thing we see is that he is “urging” us to walk worthy.  This is a strong word; Paul is imploring or exhorting us to walk worthy, not just suggesting.  But what does it mean to “walk worthy”?  What is this worthy walk we are urged to take?  What does it consist of?


Let’s read on:  Verse 2, “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.  Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”  This is what Paul means by the words “worthy walk”!


First let’s notice the word “humble”.  Since Paul and Micah are together in this, it must be an important concept.  But they are not alone.  Peter and James use it also.  In James 4:6 we read, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”  And in 1 Peter 5:5 we see, “All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another.”


God desires His children to walk humbly.  This is but one of God’s many great attributes and if we walk with a humble God, we too must be humble.  To quote the author, Jerry Bridges, “Humility is the soil in which all of the other traits of the fruit of the Spirit grow.”  The problem with humility is that when we claim to be humble, we lose the humility!!  Our ego and our vanity get the best of us in that case. 


One great tool that God has given us so as to attain to humility is fasting.  Ezra 8:1 tells us this, “I proclaimed a fast there, at the river Ahava, that we might humble ourselves before our God.”  King David tells us in Psalm 69:10, “I wept and humbled my soul with fasting.”  This is not an easy tool but the bible tells us that it is effective. 


Oh, there is so much more to this “worthy walk” with God.  Shall we consider it next time?

Freedom is Good News Part 136

Do you like to go for walks?  Many who live in the town of Elk Horn (where I live) know that Sally and I enjoy a good early morning walk.  Sometimes (not often) one of us may be ill or out of town and the other has to walk alone.  Let me state right here, it is not as enjoyable!!  To see the new flowers of spring and yet have no one to share with; well, it’s just not as enjoyable.  To witness a bright, full, early morning moon, knowing that the sun rise is just minutes away is a lot more fun when a loved one is there to share it with.  Or what about the star filled sky on a moonless night – let us stand in awe together.


Did you know that God feels the same way?  He desires to have His children walk with Him through this life here on earth.  You will notice that I said, “His children have to walk with Him,” and not “He must walk with His children.”  There is a big difference here!  One must realize that God knows where He is going and that we do not.  God’s wisdom and knowledge is perfect; but we are of a fallen race.  That race began with our first parents, Adam and Eve.  They were given instruction on how to have an abundant life in the Garden of Eden.  I think we know how this story progresses and it didn’t go well for God’s first children.  They were given only one commandment and still made the wrong choice.  They were told to walk in one direction but they chose to walk in the other.  Satan deceived them into thinking that they could make their own decisions.


If my wife, Sally, decides to walk north on Main Street and I choose to walk south, we obviously cannot walk together.  In Micah 3:3 the prophet asks the question, “Can two walk together unless they have agreed to?”  If we are to walk with another, we must agree to where we are going.


There is a well-known hymn called, “Trust and Obey”.  It begins with the words, “When we walk with the Lord in the light of His word, what a glory He sheds on our way.”  The author, John Sammis, gives us the same instruction as I did earlier; we must walk with our God.  And when we do, He sheds glory upon our way!  And why not?  It is the joy of every parent to walk hand in hand with their little toddlers.  How much more shall God feel blessed to have us desire to walk with Him?


How shall we walk with our God?  That’s a very good question – I’m glad you asked!  The same prophet Micah gives us a huge clue on the method we must employ; Micah 6:8, “He has showed you, O man, what is good, and what does the LORD require of you?  To act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”  Yes you must walk humbly with your God!! 


The prophet uses the words “your God”.  And why does he?  Why not say “my God” or “our God”?  We must understand that this is a very personal admonition.  We must first and foremost realize, it is our acceptance of God as our own that allows us to even walk with Him!!  And then…..we must do so in a humble manner.  More on this the next time.