Freedom is Good News Part 141

We have been considering, in these articles, the topic of walking worthy of the calling we have received.  We have seen that it is a very important topic, one which Paul “urges” us to do.  We have seen that the Apostle tells us to “be completely humble and gentle”.  He tells us to be patient and to bear with one another in love.  This is the kind of “worthy walk” we are to take.  Most times the things that are of greatest value, take the greatest effort.


I want to walk with my Heavenly Father!  Do you have that desire?  I want to know what it is like to be in His presence. 


I suppose we all have to decide what our priorities are in this life.  It does not take too much wisdom to look around and see that the world, in general, has tossed aside the ways and things of God.  We find ourselves surrounded by a secular society that, more and more each day, looks toward itself to solve the problems it has created!!


God really does have all the answers.  This should be the starting point for all Christians.  We are told in the scriptures that Solomon was the wisest man on earth.  Very early on in his book of Proverbs, we read, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” (Pro. 3:5&6) 


I want to walk with my Heavenly Father!  Do you have that desire?  I want to know what it is like to be in His presence. 


Early in his reign as King of Israel, Solomon took upon himself, the commission of building a temple for God.  When it was finished and he set about to dedicate it to “the name of the LORD”, we read that “a cloud filled the Temple of the LORD so that the priests could not perform their service because of the cloud, for the glory of the LORD filled His temple.” (1 Kings 8:10&11)


And then he asked a prayer over the temple.  This prayer, in its entirety, is found in 1 Kings 8:22-53.  Solomon knew that every answer to every problem resided with this God who created all things, this God who rules over all the universe, this God who would indeed, dwell with His creation!!


Shall we look at this prayer?  “Then Solomon stood before the altar of the LORD in the presence of all the assembly of Israel and spread out his hands toward heaven, and said, ‘O LORD, God of Israel, there is no God like you, in heaven above or on earth beneath, keeping covenant and showing steadfast love to your servants who walk before you with all their heart’” 


Solomon wanted to walk with his Heavenly Father for he knew what it was like to be in His presence.  Let us consider this prayer in future articles.