Freedom is Good News Part 86

And so we continue to see things happening in this world and in our society that could, if dwelt upon, begin to bring us down.  It is not my desire to do that in this column for in my heart of hearts I know that our God is in charge and He has a plan that is being worked out for good.  But, some may say, where is God who will bring this “good” to fruition?

Imagine if you can, that you are in charge of a group of young people – let’s say they are boys and girls somewhere around the age of 12.  You have a very important task to complete; it may even be a matter of life and death.  The steps needed to achieve the goal are all in your possession, you only need to get these kids on board with your solution.

A couple of these youths do not think you know anything (typical 12 year olds!!) and they proceed to infect the group with doubts as to your wisdom.  You take them through several steps and show them that you do indeed have the answers and several of them begin to listen to you.  So far so good!!  But the rest begin to moan and groan and pursue their own ideas.  It does not take long to see that their solutions are leading them down a dangerous path.  You try again and again to convince them.  You even send the other kids (the wise ones) to show them their errors.  Things get pretty bad on their side of the project; you know it is leading to disaster but they just will not listen.  It could end in tragedy.  At some point you realize that you must take a “hands off” approach and come up with a plan to save this project and perhaps jump in at the last moment to achieve the goal.

God has a goal!  God has a plan!  God has the solution safely in His hands.  This plan has been in place since the foundation of the world.  God created a world and all that is in it.  He placed a man and a woman in a most beautiful garden the likes of which have never been seen since.  He gave them the key to enjoying, not only the garden, but also His presence with them.  “Of the two trees in the middle of the garden,” He said, “you may only eat the fruit of one of them.”  I believe we know the rest of the story.  (Genesis 3)

The bible is filled with stories of God’s people rebelling against Him.  Again and again He sent His servants the prophets to warn them of the error of their ways – they did not listen.  And so He even sent His Son, His only Son, whom He loved; perhaps they will listen to Him.  They didn’t.  (See the parable in Matthew 21:33-40)

It is not a question of “Where is this God who is supposed to be so good”?  God knows His plan and will bring it to fruition.  The question really is, “Why do we, His creation, think we know better than He does?”  This has been our reaction all along.  We think we know better and will strive to do things our way even when we see what a mess we have made of His creation. 

Friends and brethren, can we take a look at His plan and His will and then walk accordingly?