Freedom is Good News Part 85

In the previous article I wrote about how effective it can be to quote a scripture when confronted with some dilemma.  I am sure you know that in Jesus day one could not run down to the local bookstore and purchase a set of the scriptures?  Jesus quoted the scriptures when confronting Satan’s temptation because He had them memorized!  In Jesus day they did not have books (as we know them).  All the scriptures were written on scrolls usually made of animal skins and hand written – in other words, they were expensive!  The scrolls were rolled up and had to be unrolled in order to read them. Only the local synagogue would own them and even then many would have just a portion of the scriptures. 

Ancient languages – Hebrew included – did not use punctuation as we have it today.  They did not even have spaces between the words (yes, that is hard to believe but it is true!).  Today we have it easy in that we do have punctuation, we can know when a word begins and ends and we can easily communicate with each other concerning the scripture because they have been codified with chapters and verses. 

Today we can go to a book store or get on line and purchase the word of God for very little money.  And not only that; if we think the King James Version is too difficult to read, we can purchase the New International Version.  Do you think the NIV is too loose with the translation?  Then go and buy the New American Standard or the English Standard Version or one of several dozen other translations.

“To whom much has been given, much will be required.” (Luke 12:48)  When we stand before the judgement seat, will we be able to claim ignorance?  “I just didn’t know!”  Many today claim that God is not interested in our hurts, our failures, our sicknesses, our financial situations, or our ……. You fill in the blank.  But the truth is that He is interested and He did not leave us without help.  He gave us everything we need for life and godliness. (2 Peter 1:3)  The one who created us made sure that we have the things needed for physical life: He gave us water, air, food and a brain.  That brain of ours is the most advanced computer on the planet.  Some might say that they do not have enough of these things but they do not understand that God promises to bless us abundantly if we would only follow His ways!  And beyond the physical, He has given us so much more by making sure that we have His “manual for life and godliness” – the bible!  But that’s not all (I’m starting to sound like one of those infomercials on TV) He sent His Son, His only Son whom He loves, to be a propitiation for us to bring us a righteousness that we cannot work to earn.  But wait folks, there’s more; if we accept His Son and His shed blood for our sins and turn from our fleshly ways, then we can repent and be baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, who will bring us into all truth. 

Yes Jesus did have the scriptures memorized.  They were quite precious to Him.  Here is one scripture for us to memorize: “I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.”  Now that is Good News.