Yes, There is Good News! Part 2

Some of you might say to me that you are a Christian, and have been for all the years of your life and yet you feel that there is an empty spot within.  Why is this?  Well I would have to ask you what it means to be a Christian.  Is it just a belief in God?  The obvious answer is, no!  In his letter, James says, “You believe that there is one God.  Good!  Even the demons believe that - and shudder.”  (James 2:19)

But we are headed in the right direction.  Belief plays an integral part in being a Christian and so the bible says that “Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness.” (Romans 4:3)  Why should we believe God and what does this thing called righteousness mean?  I’m glad you asked!!

I must go back to my previous entry and quote myself in regards to the “good news” that we have been seeking, “God Himself, the creator of the entire universe, wanted to have me call Him “Father”. 

Growing up during the 50’s and 60’s I was blessed to have a wonderful father.  My dad loved me and let me know that he loved me.  Today, I might only hope that all of you reading this paper also had good fathers.  But I also know that in this “fallen world” there are some men who are not good role models and not good fathers.  Not everyone can claim to have had a loving father.  But wait a minute!  God Himself, the creator of the universe, wants to have us call Him Father.  He wants to have a relationship with us.  And that is good news!  Yes that is tremendous news!!   And that is why we should believe God and believe in God.

Do you have a good relationship with someone near to you?  How did you get that good relationship with them?  How do you maintain the good relationship with them?  I have had the opportunity to counsel many young couples for marriage.  The one thing I try to get across to those being counseled is:  any good thing worth having is worth working for.  And yes it takes two to do the work of building and maintaining a good marital relationship.

Jesus, as the Son of God, came preaching the good news of his Father’s kingdom.  And through His Son, our Father has done the very hard work of building that relationship.  How can we attain to that relationship?  We must be willing to accept it.  That’s obvious!  But is there more? 

Well yes there is!  Let’s consider that ‘hard work’ the Father has already done. 

Keeping the answer simple, it is written: “For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son ….”  This Son of God died on the cross (a most brutal death) and so gave His life, through the pouring out of His blood, as a sacrifice for us who were yet sinners. This was the hard work!  Is there more?  I believe we should ponder that question but let’s start here. 

“God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” (2 Corinthians 5:21)  What is this thing called righteousness?

Perhaps this thirteen letter word is a little bewildering.  It sounds like something out of a religious lexicon.  Yes, when we talk too much about thirteen letter religious words the eyes have a tendency to glaze over and the mind starts to drift.  I do know the feeling!  But this word is defined in Webster’s Dictionary as, “acting in an upright manner, doing what is right”.  And if we go to a lexicon for a biblical definition we find that the word has relational context; that is, “two parties that are faithful to each other’s expectations so as to form a good relationship”.  The two parties here being; you (on the one hand) and your heavenly Father.

The questions then that might be asked are, “what do you expect of God?”  And, perhaps more importantly, “what does God expect of you?”  Well, that is assuming that you want a relationship with God.  But if you have been reading this article from the beginning, then I guess you must have an interest!!!  So let’s explore the answers.

I would have a difficult time listing the many things that one might want, need or expect from God: air, water, food, health, protection, love, joy, peace, …. etc.  You get the point.  But for brevities sake let’s just say we might expect protection and provision leading to eternal life.  But can we dare say that we expect something from an almighty God?  After all, we are but “small peanuts” in this incredibly huge universe. 

Interestingly enough, these are the things that God promises us if we will fulfill our part of this righteous relationship we were talking about.  God’s righteousness is foundational.  So how do we go about establishing our faithfulness to God’s expectations?  What is it that He expects of us?

I have heard some people say that they go to church each week.  They sing, listen to a sermon and toss a few dollars in the basket – is that what God expects of us?  Some people get involved in food banks and helping the poor.  Some donate hard earned money to missionaries in other countries.  Some go to college for many years and earn Doctor of Divinity.  Some just lead a humble life, work hard and help others when they can.  These are all good things but is it what God expects of us?

Well maybe we should ponder these ideas in our next installment.