Yes, There is Good News! Part 1

There are many things in the world today that are causes for distress.  I must ask, my friends, what’s been on your mind?  Sometimes the news is enough to get you down.  Mostly these days the news networks are filled with the latest inane things our politicians have been saying.  And if that’s not enough, we are inundated with talk of the crazy weather patterns across our country, or the latest on Syria or ISIS, or what China is doing to flex its military muscle or Russia or North Korea or …..

Whoa, Bill!!!  Wait just a minute - stop with the bad and worrisome things before we “stick our heads in the sand just a little bit”.  The title of this series of articles is, “Yes, There is Good News”; and so where do we start?  How about we start with the words themselves, “good news”?  I know that all of us have received via the mail, the phone, a text, or a personal message that lifted us up, made us feel good, gave us comfort.  Even while typing that last sentence, my mind traveled back in time to remember the wonderful feeling of receiving good news.

I believe all of us are familiar with the word, “gospel”.  And perhaps most of you know that the definition of that word is, “good news” or more literally, “good message”?  Would you all bear with me as in the near future we explore this word in all of its ramifications and perhaps in ways we have not looked at it before?  Oh my, we do have a good message to share and may I begin with the first words of Mark, “The beginning of the good news about Jesus Christ, the Son of God.”

Somehow in the back of my mind I wonder if some of you might cringe at the thought of looking into this topic.  I know that I would have tossed it aside when I was in my early twenties.  That was the last thing I might have been interested in.  Life was ripe for the picking and I wanted some of this world’s fruit.

But by my late twenties, with God’s help, my taste buds began to change and to mature.  I realized that this world’s fruit was tasteless and quite bland.  Let me try and explain by example:  Have you ever been skiing?  The first time I tried skiing it was in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.  I knew several of the employees at one slope and received a nice discount on rentals and a lift ticket.  But what’s a novice to do??

I was too poor (or perhaps too cheap) to afford lessons so I headed to the “bunny slope”.  Up the “T-bar” and down the gentle slope without too much trouble, watching and learning from others as I went.  It must have been around the tenth or twelfth time down this beginners slope when I started to get bored.  I needed more excitement.  I had to try the excitement of a bigger slope.

I could go on with this story but I have arrived at the appropriate words, “more excitement”.  This valuable lesson on the slopes of New Hampshire was my first glimpse in seeing that we humans are never really satisfied with any level of activity we might pursue.  And so we long for “bigger, higher, faster, more terrifying excitement”.  Has anyone noticed the word “extreme” attached to activities such as snowboarding, skydiving, sports, etc?

So, what’s the point?  We keep pushing our desires in hopes of finding satisfaction in our lives.  And perhaps, along with me, you have noticed that this worlds “empty glory” just does not satisfy for long.

So let me back up a couple of paragraphs: it was in those late twenties when I began to understand that I had been missing out on having the most exciting relationship anyone could ever have.  God Himself, the creator of the entire universe, wanted to have me call Him “Father”.  This was the “good fruit” that my taste buds were longing for.  This was the “hole” in my life that needed to be filled.  This was the “good news” that would allow me, for the most part, to look right through the smoke and fog of bad news that seems to pervade our world today.

Let me attempt to explain………I believe that God is the creator of all things. I believe that when He said, “Let us create man in our image and in our likeness” He truly had that aim in mind.  But our first parents, Adam and Eve, believed the lie of Satan and ate of the wrong fruit and so they were banished from the Garden of Eden and not allowed to eat from the Tree of Life.  And so something was missing from this created man and woman.  This missing ingredient left an empty spot, a hole if you will, in what the Apostle Paul would later call “the inner man”.  Perhaps today we could call it the “inner psychological make up of man”.  Yes we do have a hole that we need to fill.

This is why the artist paints another picture, the poet writes another poem, the astronomer wants to understand the newly discovered galaxy, and the botanist a new plant species and so on and so on … It is the “thing” that drives us to go further.  What is it that you want?

Do you desire to see your team win the Super Bowl next year?  The next time you take your clubs to the golf course do you want to shoot a better score?  Perhaps there is something out there that might begin to fill that hole.  The fruit of this world is tempting, always tempting.  Perhaps we desire a better job, more pay, newer car or a bigger house.  The wisest of all men, Solomon, said this, in his book of Ecclesiastes, “All things are wearisome, more than man can say.  The eye never has enough of seeing, nor the ear its fill of hearing.” (Eccl. 1:8)  Somehow we never have enough.  As I drive my school bus through the countryside each morning, I cannot tell you how many beautiful sunrises I have witnessed and praised God because of them. (Just a small perk from bus driving!)

Indeed, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with any of these things that we do.  We all have dreams and want better things for ourselves and our loved ones.  But, again, when our first parents forsook the tree of life they left a “hole” deep inside that begs to be filled.  And all the activities we engage ourselves in cannot – in the end – fill that hole.  Deep inside we know that there is something we are missing. 

Adam and Eve missed out on something called “the fruit from the tree of life” and hence, a hole was created.  And that is just where the proverbial rubber meets the road!  The “Good News” is that this fruit is available to us today.  And Oh my is it tasty, sweet and filling.  God is good!