Freedom is Good News Part 44

It has been said the things we work the hardest for are the things that mean the most to us.  I suppose that is a fair statement.  So every once in a while it might be advantageous to examine ourselves and see where we place the most effort.  What is it that means the most to us?  We all have to pay the bills and so a good chunk of our time is spent earning a living.  We all need rest to reenergize our bodies and so we spend a fair amount of time getting the rest we need.  Oh yes, we do need nourishment to fuel our activities and so meal time is important.

So let’s get to the crux of the matter.  How much time do you spend seeking God?  Is it important to you to have a relationship with Him?  To me this is a very curious question; because I am not sure why more people are not interested in knowing this loving Father who is the giver of all good gifts.  I wonder what has lulled people to sleep.  Most folks only see this physical world around them and never pause to examine it as a marvelous creation and so give glory to the creator.  I have even heard people speak of the world around them in terms of its awesomeness and yet never give the credit to an awesome God.  Are the intricacies of life, in the totality its vast array, just happenstance?

Have you been lulled to sleep by this world’s empty glory?   Is there any glory in the newest TV show?  Is there any glory in the outcome of the next big sporting event?  Is there any glory in keeping up with all the latest texting? …The latest face book posts? …The latest u-tube videos?  Let me ask you this: have you become addicted to any of this?   (We began this article as an exercise in self examination.)

Shouldn’t our addiction be to the One who loves us more than we could ever know? … The One who brings good food to our tables? … The One who gave us our five senses so we can enjoy the world around us? … The One who created the entirety of the universe and causes the moon and stars to shine at night and the sun to warm us by day?  But more than all this, shouldn’t we desire the One who has redeemed us from an empty way of life?

The man Job, who was blessed abundantly and then lost everything, had a lot of questions for God.  He and his friends spent much time discussing the validity of God’s actions toward Job.  It’s a long book with many twists and turns but in the end God speaks to Job and never answers any of Job’s questions.  God just confronts Job with questions of His own:  “Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundations?  Tell me if you understand.  Who marked off its dimensions?  Surely you know. … Who watched over the birth of the sea when it burst forth from the womb?  … What is the way to the abode of light?  And where does darkness reside?”

The questions go on and on; Job had no answers for God, and in all honesty, neither do we!!  Have you ever read the book of Job, especially chapters 38, 39, 40, 41 and 42?  This God we serve is amazing beyond our understanding.  How much do you know of Him?  Get to know Him - for He promises to bless you immensely!

Good news indeed!