Freedom is Good News Part 112

“Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4)

Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” (Psalms 119:105)

It is, indeed, a beautiful thing to have access to the word of our Almighty God, Creator of heaven and earth!!  He is the Creator of all things and just as any manufacturing company will provide the user with an instruction manual, so our Maker and Designer has given us a manual to instruct us on the proper use and care of who we are and how we operate.

We have spent a few weeks looking into the first Five of the Ten Commandments of God.  And so now we will consider the last five.  God has not put as many details into these final five as He has the first ones but one of the first things we should take note of is that they all begin on a negative footing: “You shall not …”

I believe we all know what it means to murder, commit adultery, steal, bear false witness and covet.  These are not obscure words that send us to the dictionary to search for their meanings.  And I believe if we spent some time in consideration of these 5, we would understand, if we are rational, just how good they are and how necessary they are for the safety and health of a society.  We all know that we “should not ……”!

But let’s take a look at some of these five from a positive perspective.  How do we do that?  I’m glad you asked! 

The Sixth Commandment is: “You shall not murder.”  So how do we look at this in a positive light?  Perhaps the simplest way is to consider how we might help others to live a better life.  In our little community of Elk Horn it has been my observation that we do a very good job.  There is always a helping hand, a visit to the sick or bereaved, a donation to those in need when tragedy strikes. 

When considering theft, we might turn it around and think about those in need and how we might give of ourselves.  Here in this community, we have a food pantry to donate to.  And there is usually a notice in the newspaper concerning an organization putting on a charitable fund drive.  We are so blessed to be able to give!

I am sure that you could add to this “positive aspect” list of the final five commands.  But let’s stop and take a quick look at what Jesus had to say about these commands.  Remember, He came not to abolish the law but to fill it to the full.  “You have heard that it was said ‘Do not commit adultery’.  But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.’”  (Matthew 5:27)

There is an immense amount of instruction given to us in the Word of God.  Sometimes we may think that the law is only found in the Old Testament but according to many commentaries, there are more commands in the New Testament – Jesus came to fill to the full.  God’s word is good and “the commandment is holy, righteous and good.”  Rom. 7:12.