Freedom is Good News Part 172
/When we hear the term, “Secret Service” we often think of that branch of law enforcement that has been entrusted with protecting the President of the United States – and of course we are correct. But they also are given another duty, one of overseeing the criminal act of counterfeiting our currency.
Those charged with this duty undergo rigorous training in how to spot the fake bills that could undermine our economy. But they are shown only one thing; a real honest to goodness piece of currency! It would be a waste of time for them to consider the many ways that a criminal might make a mistake in forging a counterfeit bill. If they know, without a shadow of a doubt, what a true twenty dollar bill looks like; they will intrinsically know the phony one!!
Let’s apply this to our understanding of God’s ways. In our previous article I wrote that, “There are tens of thousands of lies out there today that our adversary (the Devil) has placed in front of us.” How are we supposed to know them as lies? Shall we take a lesson from the secret service? We only have to know one thing – what does the truth look like?
Satan will take one of God’s truths and place an hundred lies around it. He really does not care which lie we choose; if we bite on any of the “hooks” he has set up, he wins!!
I can hear some of you saying, “Yeah but! The bible is not the easiest book in the world to read and understand.” You have spoken correctly. It is not! But my answer is a firm, “So what? That is no excuse.” The best things in life, the most wonderful journeys we might take and the most beautiful portraits we might paint are never the easiest tasks we could endeavor to embark on. What is that old adage? “The longest journey begins with a single step.
Some people have asked me where they should start in studying the true ways of God. I answer simply, “the bible”. In all honesty and humility, get down on your knees (if you can) and ask God where to start. Begin your reading with the attitude that you know nothing. After forty years of reading the bible, I still come to God realizing that I know nothing, compared to His knowledge, wisdom and understanding. In this attitude you cannot go wrong for “God gives grace to the humble”.
I have never endeavored to be a great artist, a great pianist or a great engineer. I do not have the time or the energy to put into such a project. But to be a knowledgeable child of God, to be one who desires greatly to have a relationship with my heavenly Father and to love the LORD my God with all my heart, strength and life, this is what I truly desire and this is what I choose to put my effort into.
His word is good, His word is true, His word is perfect and any effort that we put into knowing it will be worth it!! God is there to help. Never forget, He wants your love, attention and discipline. Our God is good, true and perfect and He loves us.