Freedom is Good News Part 152

Romans 2:4:  “Do you show contempt for the riches of His goodness, tolerance and patience, not knowing that God’s goodness leads you to repentance?”  In our previous article, I made a bold statement: I said we might be showing contempt for God by not understanding our need for repentance when compared to the goodness of God. 


Just how do we see our repentance?  Some 40 years ago I was brought face to face with the law of God.  A good friend and co-worker tried to show me a few things from the word of God.  I had never read the bible and knew nothing of what he was trying to tell me.  He asked me if I knew that there was something called the Ten Commandments and of course I knew about these ten.


He then asked me if I had ever read them.  Well I suppose that in my earlier life as a student in a parochial school for 12 years, I had seen them and well, yes, maybe I had read them.  He then proceeded to ask me if I had a bible in my home and if so would I turn to Exodus 20 and read them.  Well it turned out that I did have a bible and after finding Exodus 20 I read the Ten Commandments.


I had been taught, in that parochial school, about the commandments of God but when I read them for myself I realized that I had to turn my life around and begin to walk toward the great God and creator of all things.  Yes, my life began to change.  However, it took me an additional 2 years, almost to the day, to understand the concept of repentance.  Two years of talking to God.  Two years of arguing with God.  Two years of pushing God away from me.  But God was gentle.  He was patient.  He was kind.  He showed His love.  And yet I had never realized the concern that God had for me a sinner.


Somehow He wanted me to be one of His children.  I had never been one to join a group.  I tried boy scouts but left after a short time.  I was asked to visit several service organizations but couldn’t get myself to feel comfortable in joining.  But this was different.  This was God, the one who ruled the universe, wanting me to be a part of His family – how could I continue to refuse?  This was larger than anything I had ever encountered.


I talked to my friend and co-worker and told him of my thoughts.  I asked him to tell me what I should do with this new revelation of mine.  He went to the scriptures and showed me Acts chapter 2.  You see, there was a group of “religious” people who had gathered to hear the Apostle Peter deliver a message and that message “cut them to the heart”.  Peter spoke of the prophet Joel and how he had prophesied that God was going to pour out His Spirit on all people.  He told them of this Jesus of Nazareth who performed many miracles.  He told them that this Jesus had been resurrected from the dead.  And then he said this, “Therefore let all the house of Israel be assured of this:  God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ.”  Their response?  “Brothers, what shall we do?”  Peter was quick with the reply, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.  And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:38)  Pretty simple?  Maybe; but quite amazing.


I needed to hear that and so I responded!!