Freedom is Good News Part 143

Picking up where we left off last week; Solomon, in 1 Kings 8:29, asks that God’s eyes would always be opened toward His temple night and day.  The temple Solomon built existed 3000 years ago; the temple God dwells in today is within His chosen ones.  Solomon’s words were prophetic.  He spoke of the physical temple that was a type of the spiritual temple today.


We can see this connection in the book of Hebrews 3:1-6: “Therefore, holy brothers, partakers of a heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, Jesus; who was faithful to him who appointed him, as also was Moses in all his house.  For he has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses, inasmuch as he who built the house has more honor than the house. …. But Christ is faithful as a Son over his house; whose house we are.”


In view of this, let us consider this prayer of King Solomon; he asks God to listen to the prayers of His servants and to “hear from heaven, your dwelling place and when you hear, forgive.” (8:29-30) Again and again, Solomon beseeches God to hear the prayers of His servants for their several sins: “When a man wrongs his neighbor …” (Verse 31).  “When God’s people have been defeated by an enemy (Satan?) …” (Verse 33).  “When there is no rain - because of sin (the spiritual rain of blessing?) ….” (Verse 35).  When famine, plague or blight come (a famine of the Word?) … (Verse 37). … Etcetera. 


Solomon finishes this prayer with these words, “And if they turn back to you with all their heart and soul … and pray … toward this temple I have built for your name, then hear their prayer and their supplication in heaven, your dwelling place, and maintain their cause; and forgive your people who have sinned against you.” 1Kings 8:48-50)


A couple of weeks ago we tied this prayer of Solomon to the topic we were considering, namely, “walking humbly with our God”.  And we led into this topic with this quote, “O LORD, God of Israel, there is no God like you, in heaven above or on earth beneath, keeping covenant and showing steadfast love to your servants who walk before you with all their heart.”


Walking in the presence of God with all of our heart – what an awesome responsibility this is.  It is the answer to the question we asked several weeks ago, “How do we walk worthy of the calling we have received?” 


If we are serious in our desire to honor God; if we really want to understand what it is like to be in God’s presence; then we must learn to “walk humbly with our God”.


Oh, how I wish that all of us who are reading these articles could get together and discuss this “Christian adventure” we have been embarking on.  I find that nothing on earth has delighted me more and I hope you will feel the same!!


Until next time, may your reading of the word of God bring you good news!