Freedom is Good News Part 146

I will assume that everyone reading these articles has attended a wedding at some time or the other.  They are joyful occasions.  Indeed they are probably near the top of the list of joyful occurrences for which a man and woman make plans.


What is your favorite part?  The music starts, the crowd stands and the bride walks down the aisle; or how about when the two exchange vows, the pastor asks the question, “do you take this man/woman….”, and the bride and groom answer “I do!”.  Maybe your favorite part is when the two are pronounced “husband and wife”; they kiss and then turn to walk down the aisle for the first time as husband and wife.  And then there is the reception – always a lot of fun filled joy.


Yes, weddings are a special event.  But have you ever stopped to wonder why weddings are such a big deal?  They are planned for months and if the couple is not careful, they may end up costing thousands of dollars.  So what’s the big deal?


The institution of marriage was ordained by God Almighty.  It was He who said, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”  (Gen. 2:24)  I have a friend who would probably answer the above question stating, “It’s a God thing”.  I often find it curious when a couple who are professing atheists make sure that they plan for a wedding and make it a big deal.  They do not believe in God and yet they are portraying; or should I say, “acting out” a very symbolic aspect of the Gospel of the kingdom of God.


In the Old Testament, God intimated through many of the prophets that He had taken Israel for a wife and then chastised the Israelites for not remaining faithful. (See especially Hosea 1 & 2; Ezekiel 16)  This also is an interesting symbolism – it is a “template” placed upon the reality of what God will do with His Son, Jesus,  and the Church.


The Apostle John alludes to this in his gospel when he quotes John the Baptist saying, “You yourselves bear me witness that I said, ‘I am not the Christ, but I have been sent before him.’  The one who has the bride is the bridegroom.  The friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly at the bridegroom's voice. Therefore this joy of mine is now complete.  He must increase, but I must decrease.”


John the Baptist understood the reality of the wedding that will take place in the heavenly realm.  In some ways, one might say that this future marriage is the fulfillment of the Gospel, i.e. the Good News.  Let’s consider this future event in a future article.