Freedom is Good News Part 136

Do you like to go for walks?  Many who live in the town of Elk Horn (where I live) know that Sally and I enjoy a good early morning walk.  Sometimes (not often) one of us may be ill or out of town and the other has to walk alone.  Let me state right here, it is not as enjoyable!!  To see the new flowers of spring and yet have no one to share with; well, it’s just not as enjoyable.  To witness a bright, full, early morning moon, knowing that the sun rise is just minutes away is a lot more fun when a loved one is there to share it with.  Or what about the star filled sky on a moonless night – let us stand in awe together.


Did you know that God feels the same way?  He desires to have His children walk with Him through this life here on earth.  You will notice that I said, “His children have to walk with Him,” and not “He must walk with His children.”  There is a big difference here!  One must realize that God knows where He is going and that we do not.  God’s wisdom and knowledge is perfect; but we are of a fallen race.  That race began with our first parents, Adam and Eve.  They were given instruction on how to have an abundant life in the Garden of Eden.  I think we know how this story progresses and it didn’t go well for God’s first children.  They were given only one commandment and still made the wrong choice.  They were told to walk in one direction but they chose to walk in the other.  Satan deceived them into thinking that they could make their own decisions.


If my wife, Sally, decides to walk north on Main Street and I choose to walk south, we obviously cannot walk together.  In Micah 3:3 the prophet asks the question, “Can two walk together unless they have agreed to?”  If we are to walk with another, we must agree to where we are going.


There is a well-known hymn called, “Trust and Obey”.  It begins with the words, “When we walk with the Lord in the light of His word, what a glory He sheds on our way.”  The author, John Sammis, gives us the same instruction as I did earlier; we must walk with our God.  And when we do, He sheds glory upon our way!  And why not?  It is the joy of every parent to walk hand in hand with their little toddlers.  How much more shall God feel blessed to have us desire to walk with Him?


How shall we walk with our God?  That’s a very good question – I’m glad you asked!  The same prophet Micah gives us a huge clue on the method we must employ; Micah 6:8, “He has showed you, O man, what is good, and what does the LORD require of you?  To act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”  Yes you must walk humbly with your God!! 


The prophet uses the words “your God”.  And why does he?  Why not say “my God” or “our God”?  We must understand that this is a very personal admonition.  We must first and foremost realize, it is our acceptance of God as our own that allows us to even walk with Him!!  And then…..we must do so in a humble manner.  More on this the next time.