Freedom is Good News Part 115

In the past couple of articles, we have seen that although the good news of the Gospel consists of the life, death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, it does not end there.  In fact, the resurrection of Christ begins for us (upon whom the ends of the age have come) the realization of the good news that was prophesied in the Old Testament.  But this good news, in all actuality, never ends!  For it finds its fulfillment in the eternal life that is promised to God’s called, chosen and faithful followers.

Are you there yet?  Have you been called by God?  If called, then have you been chosen?  And so, if called and chosen, are you faithful?

These three categories, called, chosen and faithful, are found in the book of Revelation 17:14:  “And they will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because He is Lord of lords and King of kings – and with Him will be His called, chosen and faithful followers.

To be with our Lord and King at that time, is news of such great joy that it is really inexpressible!  But you must be called, chosen and faithful!!

In Matthew 22:14, just after Jesus telling of the parable of the wedding supper, we read, “For many are called, but few are chosen.”  Does that concern you?  Do you wonder, sometimes; perhaps you have been called of God but for some reason haven’t been chosen of God?  I mean, why would God call someone and not chose him?

There are many ways in which God may call an individual.  Paul addresses this when he says in 1Cor. 3:6, “I planted the seed and Apollos watered it, but it is only God who makes it grow.”  I must figure that everyone who is reading these articles are familiar with their bibles.  Perhaps many of you attend a worship service, at least from time to time.  Within the pages of the bible are many potential seeds that may be planted in the heart of the reader.  Within the words of a sermon or bible study are also many potential seeds.  And so it is within these articles, potential seeds abound. 

I mention that they are “potential seeds” because although they enter your brain through your reading or your hearing, those who are chosen of God are the ones that allow them to be planted within their hearts.  Remember the parable in Matthew 13 concerning the “Sower and the Seed”.  Some seed fell on the path to be eaten by the passing birds; some fell on rocky places but because of shallow soil the new shoots quickly withered; some fell  among the thorns and were choked out and died; but some fell on good fertile soil and grew, producing a crop – a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.

So, receiving the seeds means you have been called.  But what kind of soil are you?  I believe God makes it clear that we must be good soil if we are to be found chosen.  God does the calling and the choosing but we must prepare the soil!!

Perhaps we should look at this some more next time.