Freedom is Good News Part 90

There is a short quip that makes its way around sports teams: “All in”!  I have seen it on the back of t-shirts and warm up jerseys of some athletes.  It is a nice sentiment to remind team mates that they should take the game and the season seriously.  Whether it’s in the weight room, the gym or the field, the team has a goal and each individual must be “all in”.

I have played many sports throughout my life and I have always tried to give my all, so I can appreciate the idea.  Why take on something and do it halfheartedly?

In the book of Acts, chapter 2, where Peter gave his most beautiful message to the gathered crowd on the day of Pentecost, it says that “they were cut to the heart” and wondered what they should do.  Peter told them to repent of their sins and be baptized, “every one of you for the forgiveness of your sins.  And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”  This scripture continues in verse 40, “And with many other words he warned them; and he pleaded with them, ‘Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.’  Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.”  Wow, there were about three thousand who understood that they were living in a corrupt generation and they understood that Peter was showing them a way out. 

Was it any better or any worse than the generation we are living in today?  I suppose it is hard to say.  They were under the control of a corrupt Roman government and their society was decadent and perverse – hmmm, I don’t think I need to comment here!  But on that particular day three thousand people were cut to the heart when they heard what Peter had to say.

Do you suppose these people were “all in”?  Let’s read on: “they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.  Everyone was filled with awe …”  I counted 4 things that pointed to their commitment.  First, they were devoted to the apostles teaching.  Today we call that the “The New Testament”.  The other name for the New Testament is “the Apostolic Writings”.  Is that where you are?  Are you “all in” on that agenda?  How often do you read the word of God?  Secondly, they were devoted to “the fellowship”.  Do you enjoy visiting with likeminded godly people, sharing in bible studies with comments and questions?

Third, how do you feel about the breaking of bread?  The concept here is not really about communion but more about sharing meals together with brethren so as to join in with fellowship and perhaps spiritual conversation.  Are you “all in” on these first three things?  Think about it my friends, we also live in a corrupt generation and many are wondering where it is all heading.  The fourth item mentioned above is prayer.  We will talk about that very important subject in the near future – God willing.  Remember, the definition of the word “gospel” is “good news”.