Freedom is Good News Part 93

Why take on something and do it halfheartedly?  That is the question I asked several articles ago and I believe we should ponder it awhile.  There seems to be a huge disconnect in our society today.  I am used to sitting with some of our teenagers these days and being virtually ignored because they are very busy with their phones.  But just recently I had the opportunity to be in the company of some adults (by this I mean an over the age of 50 group) and found myself wondering what to do while all of them were texting or reading texts.  Wow, you talk about doing something whole heartedly; we seem to be a society glued to Facebook, Twitter and any other self-inflicted form of the small screen!

OK, I got that off my chest – I just wish we could have as much zeal for our God and Father as we do for the many forms of entertainment we have surrounding us. 

Just what is it that you and I own?  I suppose our answers might contain things such as our house, car, furnishings, some land and whatever toys and trinkets we may have.  But I find it interesting that in Psalm 24:1, we read, “The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it; the world and all who live in it.”  In other words, God owns everything in this physical world!  Oh, and yes He even owns us.  So can we claim to own anything?  Well, as I see it the answer is yes; we do own one thing and that thing that we own is time.

Each and every one of us has a 24 hour day to live in and to utilize.  How many of these days we may have is not, for the most part, up to us to determine.  God has determined the length of a day – one full rotation of the earth around its axis.  God has determined the length of a week, “For in six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God.” (Ex. 20:9-10)  God has determined the length of a month (originally it encompassed the time that the moon took to make its circuit around the earth).  And lastly, God has determined the length of a year – the full circuit of the earth around the sun.

God has given all of us the gift of time - 24 hours in a day - and just what are we doing with it?  Sleeping, eating  and working take up a large portion of our time, this we know.  But how about the rest?  May I suggest that we might categorize the rest of our time as opportunities to give of ourselves; in other words our time is broken into increments of love.  If we are married, we give of our time, in love, to our spouse.  If we have children, we give of our time, in love, to our kids, etc. (you get the point) and the time we work must be incorporated here.  The critical two questions then become, how much time do we devote to self-love and how much time do we devote to our love of God?

Might I suggest at this point that our time really becomes the only commodity which we are able to  invest.  Where will we get the greatest return for our investment.  The answer to this is in your hands alone.