Freedom is Good News Part 64

In our previous article, we touched upon some heavy concepts.  I asked if God was honored to be your God.  Have you ever explored that topic?  Seriously now; for these things are of utmost importance.  Does your life bring honor to the God of all heaven and earth, the creator of all things, the one who gives you your every breath?

I get the feeling that there are some who call themselves Christians and yet they seem to take God for granted.  “God is just someone we pay attention to for one hour a week.  But the rest of the week is for me.”  A cursory reading of the bible should inform us that God wants to be a part of every aspect of our lives!  He wants, even commands us to love Him with all our heart, all our strength and all our life.

In this life we all have struggles; struggles with our fellow man, struggles with ourselves and yes, even struggles with our relationship with God.  Sometimes we do not feel like being joyful or being friendly – we are tired and out of sorts and “darn it, I just want to be left alone to wallow in my own despair.”  But that is not the attitude to which we are being called.  God has a great and awesome plan for those that are His and He is working out all things “for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28)  We all want good, don’t we?

God sees the big picture.  We, on the other hand sometimes, cannot see beyond the ends of our noses.  God wants to bless His children.  Scripture tell us that He is the giver of every good and perfect gift (James 1:17).  But He will not force us to walk with Him.  It is His desire to give us good things in this life and to lead us to life eternal.  Yes, God sees the big picture and like a loving parent, He gives us just the things we need.

We in this county have a lot to be thankful for.  Shouldn’t we perhaps humble ourselves and in a true and loving way give HIM thanks for the love and the grace He gives and also for the fact that He gives us just the things we need?

There is a line from a song that I enjoy listening to:

I thank God for the mountains, I thank Him for the valleys, I thank Him for the storms He’s brought me through.  For if I’d never had a problem, I wouldn’t know that He could solve them; I’d never know what faith in God could do.

So how do we tie all these things together?  Honor God by getting down on your knees and giving thanks to Him for all things, rejoicing in the good things and pondering the lessons He gives us in the tough things, the disappointing things – yes, not just for the mountains but also for the valleys.  Make an appointment with your heavenly Father and let Him know how much you love Him.  That would be good news for and to your Father in heaven!!