Freedom is Good News Part 22

We live in an interesting age.  Perhaps every age that has gone by might be labeled as interesting, but for different reasons.  Today we have an abundance of technology that in some aspects assists us in our day to day tasks, and in others aspects frustrates us to no end.  I have heard some say that our age must be one of higher intelligence than any previous ones because we have so much technology.  But the reality is that intelligence and technology really have no correlation.

In the beginning when God created mankind, the strains of DNA that make up our genetics were perfect.  And now some 6,000 years later after copies upon copies of this DNA have been made (where-in genetic mutations have allowed for defects and diseases) our physical make up is somewhat less perfect than when first created (i.e. we are a little dumber than our ancestors!)  But, hey, we have technology.

Is that a good thing?  Well, there are arguments on both sides of this question.  I remember when calculators first came out and we all relied upon them so much that we forgot how to add and subtract in our heads.  Automatic cash registers rob the cashier of the ability to count back change to the customer etc.  Our technology tends to create a laziness that is “dumbing us down”.

So what does all of this have to do with the bible and the good news we find there?  Good question, I’m glad you asked!!  The amazing technology that we have before us has allowed us to take our eyes off of our Heavenly Father.  And that is not good news.  We have in our hands the ability (if we have such technology as a “smart” phone) to access any number of bible translations and commentaries.  We could while away our “unbusy” hours reading and studying God’s word, learning more about His grace and mercy toward us.  We might even come to grips with one of His greatest miracles, the miracle of love.  But what do we need miracles for when we have technology?

In a previous column I wrote about “the ‘hole’ in my life that needed to be filled.”  And how this “good news” of the gospel was the only thing that would fit the bill.  There are a lot of things in this world that will try to make us think we have found something good.  But there really is only one thing; and that one thing is the love of God and the peace of God that surpasses all our understanding.  It is the only thing that will allow us to look right through the smoke and fog of bad news that seems to pervade our world today.

May God’s love find its way straight into your life and bring the true comfort we all need in this “interesting age” in which we live.

And friends and brethren, that is good news.