Yes, There is Good News! Part 13

I was raised in a church organization that discouraged the lay people from reading the bible.  Having left that church some 46 years ago, I find it somewhat ironic that today I am striving to encourage people to pick up God’s word, read it and study it, so as to be comforted, edified and instructed by these words of life.

From Genesis to Revelation there is abundant joy and amazing wisdom to be found.  Would you please pick up God’s word and read it?  And as you commit yourself to do this may I suggest that we look at one particular scripture together.

Zechariah 3:10:  “’In that day each of you will invite his neighbor to sit under his vine and fig tree’, declares the LORD Almighty.”  Let me invite you, my neighbor, to sit under my vine and fig tree with me!  For perhaps we are in “that day” today – that day of “invitation”.

“But I don’t have a vine or a fig tree” you say. OH!  Let us see if we can locate them for you.

This symbol of the vine and fig tree can be reckoned as an idiomatic expression.  In other words, these things stand as a type of something else – something the Israelites would have recognized and understood right away.  Let’s ponder the question, “what was of utmost importance to these people who lived several thousand years ago?”

The answer is simple; food and water!  One only has to look at the Israelites in the wilderness for 40 years – what did they worry and grumble about?  “Where will we get water to drink and food to eat?”  (See Exodus 16:1-3 and 17:1-3)  These people were not so concerned about cable TV or internet reception back then.  Physical life itself was bound up in their concern for food and water.

God promised Moses that He would rescue the Israelites from their bondage to the Egyptians and take them to “a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey.”  “Milk and honey” was another expression to say that they would have an abundance of fertile land for the cattle and plenty of flowering fruit trees for the bees to make honey.  Food was important. 

OK!  So let’s get back to the “vine and fig tree” of Zechariah.  This expression is used to indicate what kind of life the people would have under the rule of King Solomon.  “During Solomon’s lifetime Judah and Israel, from Dan to Beersheba (i.e. from the northern border to the southern) lived in safety, each man under his own vine and fig tree.”  Ah!  So we have safety and everyone eating grapes and figs.  Sounds like good news for the people under Solomon’s rule. 

Don’t go away folks, there’s still more to come!