Yes, There is Good News! Part 8

In the previous entry I suggested that we go back to the beginning to see with what gentleness God instructs us to love Him.  So let’s go there.  In Genesis 1 and 2 we find the story of creation.  I believe we all know something of Adam and Eve.  In those days God saw that there was no real need for a lot of commandments.  There was no one else to steal from, no other wives to covet, etc.  You get the point.  He did tell them that He provided many trees to eat from but when they came into the midst of the garden there would be two trees; one of which they were forbidden to eat.  So, one commandment was given to our first parents; do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

As they say, the rest is history.  The serpent deceived Eve and she ate.  She tossed the proverbial apple to Adam and he ate and now they are banished from the garden.  In eating what was forbidden, did they express their love for God?  I think that we can agree that they did not.  Lesson number one; when God tells us to do something or to not do something, we show our love to Him by obedience!

In the Gospel of John, just before Jesus was to be crucified, He sat at the Passover meal and taught the disciples many things.  One thing He taught that is pertinent to our interest is found in chapter 14, verse 21, “Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me.  He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and manifest myself to him.”  In keeping with the topic of these articles, let me just say, “That is good news!!”  But wait a minute, you mean to say we have to obey Him?

OK, let’s go back to the beginning.  Only this time it’s not in the book of Genesis.  Let’s go back to when you were born.  The doctor, midwife or perhaps your father was there to help deliver you, your cord was cut, you were cleaned up and handed to your joy filled waiting mother.  Were you so filled with love at that time you couldn’t wait to learn to talk and let your parents know?  No, that’s not really how you reacted.  You were attracted to mom because you recognized her smell but you knew nothing else.  In short, you were a blank slate and you had to learn not only how to love but what love was all about.

When Adam and Eve were created, what did they know?  Well they didn’t even know that love for God was wrapped up in their obedience.  It was something they had to learn and it was not an easy lesson.  Sometimes I wonder about all the bad news we hear today.  Could it be because our society has moved so far away from God and have forgotten that we must be taught to love our heavenly Father through obedience?

Do you know how to love your heavenly Father?

Don’t go away folks, there’s still more to come.