Yes, There is Good News! Part 6

In my previous entry, I made the statement that because God’s entire being is love; He wanted to have somewhere to express that love.  So, He created a universe, then a solar system within, a planet – perfectly placed from the sun so as to sustain life – and finally He created life; first plants then animals and at last mankind.  We look around and marvel at the awesome beauty that God has placed us in.  From a small and dainty flower in the spring, to the majesty of a snow capped mountain that can bring forth gasps of wonder.  Wow!!  That’s a lot of love!  I could go on for a long time about the beauty of creation and perhaps sometime in the future I may. 

What is the greatest joy you find in the love that you have for another?  I suppose we might list many joys but perhaps the greatest is having that love returned from the object of your love.  There are many sayings concerning unrequited love but the true happiness of being able to share a love with another human being is quite exceptional.  It indeed brings fulfillment, not to mention excitement to our lives.  A love shared is a love fulfilled.

We are created in the image of God!  Do you not think there is excitement for our heavenly Father when His love is returned to Him by one of His children?  In the Gospel of Luke 15:10 Jesus says, “I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”  And why do the angels rejoice?  I think it is fair to say that when God is happy, the entire heavenly realm is happy!

Yes, God wanted to share His love, His great love, His infinite love and so we were created.  Remember a couple of entries ago I asked the question, “What does God expect of us?  Perhaps we have come upon the answer.  I mentioned that He desires a relationship with us and enables us to enter that relationship because He has provided redemption for us through the righteous life of His Son.  Righteousness has been imputed to us because of the death and resurrection of His Son.

Not only has God created a universe, a planet, the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink, and the beauty to see, hear, taste, touch and smell, but He has created a pathway for us to fellowship with Him.  He wants us to come to know Him and visit with Him and so to learn to love Him.

Wait – did I say, “Learn to love Him”?  What is there about love that we have to learn? Well, much in every way.  Let’s talk about that in the next entry.