Yes, There is Good News! Part 4

The word we have been looking at is “righteousness”, which we saw was a relationship word and then ended the previous entry by realizing the only way to a relationship with God was through “redemption” and that this redemption can only come by way of the Son of God.  Ephesians 1:7 told us that we have “redemption through His blood”.  I must emphasis, at this point, that the only way we can find this redemption is by the blood of Jesus Christ.  In the book of Acts chapter 4:12 we read, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”  And of course that name is Jesus Christ, I believe we understand this. 

But just in case there is some questions about this let me add a few thoughts.  I have heard some say that “we all serve the same God; some just call Him by differing names”.  This scripture in Acts 4:12 should dissolve that idea for there is only one name!!  Another comment that I have heard before is that Jesus was just a good teacher.  He was a prophet of God but so was Buddha or Vishnu or Mohamed.  This comment can only come from someone who has never read the bible.  Indeed they have never even read the gospels concerning Jesus. 

Logically, if one reads the gospels, there are only two conclusions that can be drawn from them about Jesus: first, He is who the gospels say he is; see Matthew 1:22, the virgin will be with child, will give birth and His name will be Emanuel, that is “God with us”, also, Matthew 16:15-17, Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the living God, and Matthew 17:5 the voice came out of the cloud, “this is My Son, whom I love…;  and the second conclusion would be that Jesus was just a man but must be quite insane.  For example, see Jesus’ conversation with Pilate just before His crucifixion in John 18:36, “My kingdom is not of this world”.  See also in Luke 22:67; when speaking of Himself, He said, “the Son of Man will be seated at the right hand of the mighty God”.  If this is truth and not the words of a lunatic, then we must admit that there is no one who can ‘stand’ beside the one who is the true Savior of mankind!! 

We could go on but I think you get the point.  If one wants to reject the bible, they do so at their own peril.  But you cannot combine the sayings of the bible and especially the statements Jesus made about Himself with any other religious material.  Logic will not allow it.

So, what am I saying?  It is just Jesus alone.  There is no other who can bring us the “good news”.