Freedom is Good News Part 5

Some time ago I began an article by stating that today “I strive to encourage people to pick up God’s word, read it and study it, so as to be comforted, edified and instructed by these words of life.” Why? I suppose this is one of those curious cases where the answer to the question is sort of stated within the question.

If you were the winner of some $100 million lottery, wouldn’t you want to share it at least with the ones you love? Well, I have something worth more than a paltry monetary figure and, of course, I would like to share it with those I love. The second great commandment is to “love your neighbor as yourself”. I find more than “comfort, edification and instruction” in these words of life in the bible; I find joy and I find “the fear of the Lord”. You are my neighbor and I desire to share the fear of the Lord (which is great treasure) with you. How do I do that?

Well let’s piece some things together – Proverbs 9:10 says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”. OK, so what does the bible say about wisdom? Proverbs 8:11 says, “Wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her.” So if I put 2 and 2 together I find that this $100 million jackpot cannot compare with the wisdom I may obtain from fearing the Lord!! And where do I find this wisdom? The scriptures are replete with wisdom. From one end to the other wisdom may be reaped.

Let us take a look at one chapter in the book of Proverbs – chapter 8. Here we find Solomon personifying the idea of Wisdom. Verse 6: ‘…listen for I (Wisdom) have worthy things to say … Council and sound judgment are mine; … I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me. With me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity. My fruit is better than gold and what I yield surpasses silver.’”

I could go on and on, but would you please read this chapter and while you are at it please read chapter one. Chapter one gives us the whole reason for Solomon penning this book of wisdom.

I think that we are all intrigued with the idea of winning the lottery. What could we do with multiple millions of dollars? Yet we all know what the odds are of winning. And we have all read the stories about those who have won and have in some way destroyed their lives. Earthly riches never bring true happiness. Yet God says that we can have great gain! It is more than riches and wealth. We can have a close relationship with the One who created the universe, the One who is life itself and who gives this life to us His creatures. And yet, this physical world is not all He wants to give us. He has more!! And just as any engineer includes a set of instructions with the product he created, God gives us an instruction manual for life – the bible.

Till we meet again, seek wisdom and true riches.